Thank you so much for your interest in The Seven Jewels of Life. The Seven Jewels of Life is a guide towards inner confidence and empowerment, using seven precious jewels to represent, target and improve areas of your daily life and seven unique tools to help you with the ‘How To’ move forward towards your dreams
The one to one consultations are for those who have already read the book which is available on Amazon books: The Seven Jewels of Life or via
There are two consultation packages as well as one off consultations which can be scheduled at any time as follow up sessions.
1. Your Rainbow Bridge of Jewels – In this one-off session we gain clarity as to where you are currently in your life in a range of areas and identify where you may want to move forward.
Time allocated for this session is 75 mins Cost £60
2. Crossing Over Your Rainbow Bridge of Jewels: This is a series of 3 consultations where you are encouraged to set an intention to move forward in a particular area of your life. We then start to gain a deeper and clearer understanding of the unique methods and tools offered in the book and how our thoughts, beliefs and feelings create our day to day reality. Finally, we consider a way to integrate what we have learned into a daily practise which will take you ever forward towards your goals and dreams. Time allocated for each of the 3 sessions is 60 mins at £60 each £180
In order to arrange a consultation either face to face or via Skype please complete the attached questionnaire and return it to me via email – we can then arrange a mutually convenient time to schedule an appointment by calling me on 07770876393.
To register your interest for a consultation with me in order to further identity and clarify your own specific needs and insights - please complete the contact form on this site.
***Disclaimer - the content of the consultation is purely as a result of my personal life observations and is not a substitute for professional counselling